BSB51319 - Diploma of Work Health & Safety

Enjoyed the course and learned a great deal. Very informative. I will be enrolling in 1 or 2 other courses in the soon. My thanks to the staff, all of whom have been extremely helpful and friendly. I  wouldn't hesitate to recommend you guys...

- Tanya -

Delivery:                Distance / e learning,                  RPL

Pricing:                        $3300 - Online / e learning,        from $2995 - RPL  

Nationally Recognised Training

Online Learning

Our Business programs are student-centered, interactive, creative, and enjoyable to ensure our learners stay focused and engaged throughout their qualifications

Training Momentum Pty Ltd trading as Scorpion Learning Centre deliver and assess this course (in partnership with Healthy Business Training Academy, RTO #30831). Our Trainer/ Assessors are based in WA and provide training support services locally.

You will be enrolled directly with HBTA and they will issue your certificate upon successful completion of your course.

Course Overview 

WHS professionals in both the private and public sectors are a requirement for many companies in managing their WHS systems and plans to ensure safe workplaces are maintained along with legislative compliance. 

This qualification is suitable for people who coordinate and maintain the Work Health and Safety (WHS) program in an organisation. It reflects the role of practitioners who apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.

To take the next step in WHS in your industry, enrol in this Diploma of Work Health and Safety today.

Career Opportunities/Vocational Outcomes

This qualification is suitable for people who coordinate and maintain the Work Health and Safety (WHS) program in an organisation, such as Senior WHS Officer, WHS Manager or WHS Practitioner..

Course Structure

The Diploma of Work Health and Safety requires the completion of ten (10) units, consisting of five (5) core units and five (5) electives.

5 Core Units:

BSBWHS513 Lead WHS risk management 
BSBWHS515 Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents
BSBWHS516 Contribute to developing, implementing & maintaining an organisation's WHS management system
BSBWHS519 Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools
BSBWHS522 Manage WHS consultation & participation processes

Elective Choices:

  • at least 3 units must be Group A in the Packaging Rules
  • the remaining 2 units may be from Group A or Group B in the Packaging Rules or any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course at Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level.

Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

Suggested Elective Units: (5 Required)

BSBWHS514 Manage WHS compliance of contractors
BSBWHS517 Contribute to managing a WHS information system
BSBWHS518 Manage WHS hazards associated with maintenance and use of plant
BSBWHS520 Manage implementation of emergency procedures
BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Entry Requirements

All core units in the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety (BSB41419) or equivalent competencies.

Equivalent competencies are predecessors to the following units which have been mapped as equivalent:

BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws
BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management
BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response

Student Selection
Each applicant will be interviewed to ensure suitability of program for the individual and his/her current position and/or career path.


To enrol, please contact us to express your interest and commence the enrolment process.

If you have any questions; please contact our friendly staff by Phone; online enquiry formemail.

Please fill in the Application form below. Fields in bold are required.

BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health & Safety

Total Cost: $3,300
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Training Momentum provides students with an exceptional experience in training programs that are Nationally Recognised or tailored to workplace and industry requirements.

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