Verification of Competency (VOC)

Thank you for providing a fantastic course in TAE Regards Feb 2020

- Paul Curtin University -

Verification of Competency (VOC)

Standard Price:           $200.00 per VOC per person (plus GST) 

Nationally Recognised Training

Course Duration:        Duration varies, please allow 2- 4 hours per VOC

Course Delivery:         Face to Face (Written & Practical Assessment) 


Course Overview

A Verification of Competency (VOC) is a method of assessment that assists employers to meet WHS requirements and ensure staff have are current knowledge and skills to competently to operate equipment or perform a task.

A VOC is undertaken for employee's that already hold a current ticket, high risk work license or unit of competency, to verify that they are still competent to that standard. Employee's undertaking a VOC must provide evidence of their exisiting competency. 

Delivery Location

On-site at your location (minimum number of participants required).

Pre-Requisite Information

  • MUST have Basic English Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills
  • MUST be over 18 years of age 
  • MUST wear appropriate work attire
  • MUST hold a current High Risk License or Plant ticket to qualify for a VOC

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the VOC participants will receive a Certificate of Achievement showing the VOC that was completed. 


A VOC is not a license to operate a machine and depending on the project; is only deemed current for 2 years.  


To enrol in a VOC course today, please contact us by phone 0475 241 988 or email

If you have any questions about this unit or what else Training Momentum Pty Ltd can offer you, please contact our friendly staff via our online enquiry formemail, or over the phone.



Please fill in the Application form below. Fields in bold are required.

Verification of Competency (VOC)

Total Cost: $
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
Training Momentum provides students with an exceptional experience in training programs that are Nationally Recognised or tailored to workplace and industry requirements.

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