Workplace Health & Safety for Supervisors

I very much enjoyed the course and will certainly consider returning if needs be. I actually have an assistance role in a training task on Monday, so the course is already paying dividends. Thanks again - 6 July 2017  

- Michael S -

Training:                       Certificate of Attendance

Delivery:                   Face to Face, Online, Distance

Cost:                             $295 (incl GST) / $550 (incl GST)

Duration:                      1 day course   /   2 day course

The Training

Supervisors and Managers require a strongset of Work Health and Safety knowledge and skills to ensure they are able to maintain safe Workplace practices.

This course covers essential WHS knowledge and application of best practices in your workplace. This training addresses communication and conflict techniques for ensuring consultaion with employees/management is applied to meet WHS Legislation.

Course Structure

Knowledge focus areas for this course are:

  • How to Supervise and Maintain a Safe Workplace environment
  • Communication requirements for WHS Information and practices
  • Participation requirements for compliant WHS Management Systems
  • Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and applying Risk Controls

2 Day Course - as per day 1 plus:  

  • Incident investigation processes
  • Importance of gaining and giving feedback
  • Implementation of WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs
  • Delivering required WHS Information to Your Workplace
  • Reporting required for WHS Management Systems
  • Legislative reporting and corrective actions


To enrol, please select your preferred date from our course calendar above.

If you have any questions about this qualification or what else we can offer you, please contact our friendly staff via our online enquiry form, email.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields in bold are required.

Workplace Health and Safety for Managers & Supervisors

Total Cost: $295
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